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Trampolines – All Fun and Games?

Written By Full Life Chiropractic on July 14, 2021

The risk of trampoline injuries is so high that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises that trampolines should never be used at an at-home, leisure setting. 

Trampolines are a backyard favorite for many kids, but how safe actually are they? Trampolines pose a huge risk for injuries such as sprains and fractures in the arms and legs, as well as the neck and head. The most common types of injuries that result is from somersaults, flips, and even when children collide with one another while jumping. To no surprise, younger and smaller children are at an increased for injuries. It is even likely that your child can become injured by falling off the trampoline, falling into the springs or frames of the trampoline, and incorrectly attempting “tricks” such as flips. Trampoline injuries and sales have both been on the rise over the last several years, so it is important to be aware of the dangers that come with a backyard trampoline. 

If you already have a trampoline or are thinking of getting one, here are some important things to know to keep your child safe.

  • Install the trampoline on a level, ground surface. To keep the trampoline as balanced as possible, be sure to install yours on level ground and away from trees and other hazards that may be present. 
  • Properly install and utilize the safety padding and nets that enclose the trampoline. These pads/nets will help to keep your child safe in the enclosure and from falling off the trampoline. These pads and nets should be routinely checked before use to make sure they are installed correctly. 
  • Limit who uses the trampoline. Children under the age of six should not use the trampoline. Additionally, allow only one person on the trampoline at a time to allow for proper spacing. When your child is using the trampoline, it would be best to supervise to ensure they are not performing somersaults, flips, or any other activity that could potentially injure your child. 
  • Always supervise your children when they are jumping on the trampoline. By monitoring the activity on the trampoline, you can deter injuries from happening by enforcing and teaching proper trampoline safety. 
  • Never allow your child to jump or play on the trampoline when it is wet. When the surface is wet, it makes it more slippery and can increase the risk of injury. 
  • Keep in mind that even if you take all the precautions that injuries are still likely. Due to the nature of trampolines, the chances of injury are never eliminated. If you child does become injured, be sure to be prompt in treating. 

The best way to ensure safety is to not have your child use a trampoline at all. Use of the trampoline can increase injury and stress of the spinal cord. Trampolines increase the occurrence of serious injuries such as broken necks, spinal cord injuries, disabling head traumas, and other injuries that could result in paralysis or death.  Chiropractic care can help to relieve the tension on your spine brought about from bouncing on the trampoline. By having your child regularly adjusted, you are ensuring that their body systems are functioning properly. The spinal cord controls everything! We will get your child functioning in the best way possible here. If you need tips on how to keep your child safe or to get them scheduled for their first visit today, give us a call!

Posted In: Safety